our story
Guestroom Records has always been focused on providing good music to people who want it.
Justin Sowers and Travis Searle met while living in the dorms at OU and developed the Guestroom Records business plan while delivering pizza for Pizza Shuttle. They decided that since both had the same good idea, they would have a better chance of succeeding together.
For the first 1.5 years they ran a small door to door record shop; collecting orders and arranging delivery when when monthly orders arrived. In July 2003, they decided it was time to open a store front in downtown Norman, OK. Their initial used stock was their entire personal music collections combined (roughly 1600 LPs and 1900 CDs). As their customer base grew, they needed more space and moved to
the current Norman Main Street location in 2005. In May 2007, they added a new store on Western & 36th in OKC. They briefly had a location in Bricktown (2011) until Travis and Lisa Foster moved to Louisville, KY, taking the inventory with them to open a store there in 2013.